Become a CHINI owner meow!

Install Trust Wallet or MetaMask

This wallet will be your passport to the Binance Smart Chain. After installing, connect your wallet to the (BSC) Binance Smart Chain Network.

load your wallet with bnb

If you are using Trust Wallet, you can buy BNB directly! If you are using MetaMask, you will need to buy BNB elsewhere and send it to your MetaMask wallet address.

add chinicoin to your wallet

Using the following contract address: 0x79e3099011c9d5b931c4e0062227a101ce0d68c2  Add Chini Coin to your wallet! If it does not show up, you will need to "Add A Custom Token."

First make sure you select "Smart Chain" and not "Ethereum" which it usually starts out on. Next add the contract address in the top line 0x79e3099011c9d5b931c4e0062227a101ce0d68c2  the following line is the name of the custom token which is "Chini Coin," next you fill in the symbol "CHINI" and finally the number of decimals "9."

Then click done or save and you should be all set to send swap and receive.

Swap BNB for CHINI on PancakeSwap

Specify the contract address where CHINI lives: 0x79e3099011c9d5b931c4e0062227a101ce0d68c2

When CHINI shows up, click "add" which is small and in blue under CHINI. Then add or save!

You might need to adjust the slippage. 12-13% should do the trick!

Do your part...Spread the word of Chini Coin and help save the lives of cats in need on earth and beyond!

adding liquidity

Help Chini Coin grow by adding Liquidity! In order to help Chini Coin grow we need everyone to help add diversify the liquidity pool! We do this by adding BNB to a pool with a matching value of Chini Coin.

What is liquidity you ask???

In terms of cryptocurrencies, liquidity is the ability of a coin to be easily converted into cash or other coins. Liquidity is important for all tradable assets including cryptocurrencies. Low liquidity 
levels mean that market volatility is present, causing spikes in cryptocurrency prices.

1. Go to PancakeSwap and select Liquidity:

2. Add BNB to the top input.

3. Add CHINI to the bottom input. If CHINI does not show up you might need to use the contract address again… this time remember to click “add” which is in blue under CHINI.

4. Place the amount of BNB in the top input that you want to invest into the liquidity pool. The bottom input should automatically be matched with CHINI. Click “Supply” then “Confirm Supply” and a final confirmation.

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